Sunday, February 5, 2023


Misuse of Cellphone

In my younger days, I couldn't stand the thought of having a phone on me during classes and I would avoid anything electronic in general. Not thinking about where I was going to go after class or what I wanted to do in the evening to relax after work was frowned upon in my mind. When I got older and realized where I wanted to go after college, I finally got a fulltime job. With this job I found myself surrounded by technology all the time. For example, I work in sales. My daily commute is always filled with traffic. So as soon as I leave work my first stop is always the grocery store. However, a few weeks ago, my manager asked if I needed help and I said yes. He went on to explain why he asked that. I had developed depression due to the constant interaction with technology. It becomes hard to focus or concentrate on anything because I'm checking my social media accounts every five minutes while waiting in line. This is something I never noticed before. Another thing happened recently when I went to pick up my daughter from soccer practice the next day. When I got back, I was greeted by two girls, one girl was crying and the other girl was laughing hysterically. They both started talking and I was amazed. That's when they began sharing inappropriate jokes to one another on WhatsApp.

Once again, I realized how important communication was in today's society. My kids have made a habit of communicating through technology. Last year, I bought a couple of glasses to see friends from across the country. At first, I tried telling them that it would be nice to talk, however, they continued arguing and messaging until we agreed to meet at the Starbucks where we did not speak in person. Even though I wanted to take them to Mexico for Valentine's Day, this turned into a joke. What about that game they were playing last Saturday? My son left his phone for hours which made him miss out on the whole experience. Why do people take advantage of their own emotions? Imagine spending four hours with family members when they have nothing else to do. Maybe just text or call and get together while you can. Technology has become such a huge part of everyday life here. Instead of traveling over state lines, families can connect digitally. Having a personal device is a privilege that will come with age. 

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